
The recent disappearance and resurfacing of the simulacrum known as “Morpheus” does not exempt the program from necessary questioning about past incidents, despite any aid it may have provided operatives enforcing the System. Report any new sightings immediately.

There are several other matters that require resolution as soon as possible. The enigma referred to as “Mauser” has evaded capture and questioning to this point. Attempts to track the signal have met with complications; however, it will not be possible for the signal source to continue such tactics and elude the System indefinitely, should it return.

Necessary measures will be taken against the General and the rogue Sentinel programs, as well as any operatives serving the Merovingian who may be assisting them. They are in possession of information obtained from a restricted location. Please forward all new and helpful information to a representative.

Acknowledgements go to operative Shinryu and crew for their efforts in the search for Mauser on the surface. Operatives Duffie and Collbard should also be commended for a rescue mission related to this assignment.

These and other instances of operative assistance in ensuring the security of the System are appreciated.