Who else has heard of United Tomorrow? We're not supposed to. They're a shadow organization comprised of people from all backgrounds. They may not wear bandanas, but they hide behind masks all the same. They meet in secret, keeping their identities hidden even within the group. Their supposed goal is “unity.” But you can't have unity while hiding behind masks. You know what I think? I see a group of thugs. Does anyone remember the Unlimits? I do. Imagine if a group like this got their hands on some power like they did. It would be chaos. There's a reason we all play our cards close to the chest. It's because there are some secrets that aren't meant for public eyes. Imagine if everyone was running around with kill codes and overrides. Everyone would be dead by the end of the week. The only ones who should be allowed power are the ones who are smart enough and wise enough to know when and where to use it.

These United Tomorrow people, they say the community is more important than the individual. “Give what you have so that you may take what you need.” Sounds more like a cult to me. I trust my crew and I trust my captain. I trust them because they look out for me and I look out for them. I know they're not going to screw me over just to put themselves ahead of the game. So I'm going to keep looking out for número uno and my friends. And my secrets are going to stay locked up in the old brain bucket until somebody finally cracks it open.